NCCN guideline adherence in rectal cancer and outcomes in low-volume vs. high-volume centers
This study investigated if adherence to National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines would reduce disparities in oncologic outcomes between rectal cancer patients treated at high-volume and low-volume centers. Using 55,497 patients from the the National Cancer Database (NCDB), we found a survival benefit associated with adherence to NCCN guidelines and treatment at high-volume centers. While controlling for NCCN adherence alone does not remove the survival benefit at high-volume centers, this analysis shows that controlling for specific high-risk tumor and patient factors can mitigate this difference.
Recommended citation: Shroder M, Bai K, Habib DRS, Ye F, Hawkins A, Khan A. NCCN guideline adherence in rectal cancer and outcomes in low-volume vs. high-volume centers. Oral presentation at: American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting; June 2, 2024; Baltimore, MD, USA.